Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I Takz Quiz...

I took a quiz recently on Blog Things (in a state of profound boredom) and this was my result!

Your Personality is Very Rare (ENFJ)

Your personality type is dram
atic, expressive, proud, and demanding.

Only about 4% of all people have your personality, including 5% of all women and 2% of all men

You are Extroverted, Intuiti
ve, Feeling, and Judging.

Isn't that exciting? I certainly thought so. But then again, everyone likes to be told they're unique in a good way, right? Perhaps I shall embark on more of these quizzes. I don't think they ever end. They just sort of... are. All the same, they are a great deal of fun.

On a side note, it would be lovely if some people would comment for Medeia's sake. She went through a dreadful ordeal of demonic dentistry recently and is recovering admirably. All the same, I'm sure some lines from you marvelous folk (in the comments or the c-box) will make her feel even better. The best I could do was bring her an orange creamsicle from my own personal stash (did you know that there is such a thing as Orange Creamsicle perfume oil? Scroll down a bit on the linked page and you'll see it). That particular dessert has curative powers.

In Pursuit of Odyssey (and ice cream),


Anonymous said...

mmmmmmm, Creamsickle.

sympathy for the dental pain...

Abby O. said...

I took a quiz like this once.